Sunday, September 2, 2007

Powerhouse Sunday

This was another great Sunday at C3! I have been talking about how this Sunday would be my first in Powerhouse, and it was awesome! God is doing such amazing things through all of our volunteers! It was so encouraging to watch all the kids focus on the actors, dance and sing, and just be so engaged!

God is so good! We never seem to be sure if we will have enough staff, but week after week He provides! I really do hope that all the volunteers know how important they are...all of them, even the people who are unseen. They all do so much and work so hard to make Powerhouse what it is! We couldn't do it without all of you! =) God is using these volunteers in amazing ways. They connect so well with the kids and their families.

I love being able to stand back and watch it all happen. I watched as the parents came in to pick up their kids and you can see the look on their faces...a look of excitement for their children. A look of joy in knowing their kids are being loved and being taught the love of Jesus. Then of course you see the kids faces. They are priceless! They have that look we have to leave now?! And...When can we come back?! That is what it's all about! I am so thankful for all of our volunteers. They are amazing. I am also so thankful for our God who helps us communicate His love to these kids.

Powerhouse Rocks!

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