Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Well we passed out lots of candy and most definitely lots of C3 cards with the candy. It was actually fun...I mean fun besides Princess barking with every ring of the doorbell! :) She had a blast, too though. All the kids loved watching her bark in the window while waiting for us to answer the door. I have to say I am proud of Matt...He hasn't eaten very much candy at all! For those of you who know my husband know he has one huge sweet tooth, so for him to have not eaten much is an accomplishment.

Now I just wish I could breathe...but it has still been a great day!

Happy Candy Day to everyone :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Okay so I can't take the weather anymore. My allergies are getting so bad that I can't breathe, can't see because my eyes keep watering, and it feels like there is a weight on my head because of the sinus pressure.

...I think I'm just a little grumpy because I didn't do so well in poker tonight. I have to say, I'm not a fan of losing!

I should probably just try and get some rest...I think it's time for some Office DVD's to cheer me up and help me forget about the whole not being able to breathe thing :) I think I'll watch one of my favorites...check out a little bit of it.

Laugh Away! :)

Candy Craziness

Today feels like Monday for me. I left work yesterday because I had one of the worst sinus headaches I have ever had. This weather change all the time is killing all of us with allergy problems! I'm feeling a little better today...I loved the sunshine for a little while this morning. It hasn't gotten too hot lately so that is wonderful :)

I am excited about Halloween tomorrow. I normally don't care but I am loving the little C3 children's ministry cards we'll be passing out with our candy. That is such a great idea! Of course, it has to be used properly. I hate hearing stories of Christians who leave a track instead of a tip at restaurants. I'm thinking if I don't know Christ and I just waited on these people and they left me a track instead of a tip...I would be kind of irritated! I'm sure they'll have a great view of Christ from that person who wasn't kind enough to leave any tip at all...but a little book that they will probably throw away out of anger!

It's just like when I get those tracks or track like things on my car. is really frustrating when you get stuff like that on your car, don't notice it and start driving with it on your windshield. That is what I love so much about C3. C3 doesn't want you to pass out cards instead of candy...they know those will just end up in the garbage...what little kid wants to read a card instead of candy!

I'm hoping we get lots of kids...I have lived in an apartment for the past 4 years so I haven't had any trick or treaters...we finally live in a house so hopefully we'll get lots of them! We really wanted to dress Princess up...they had the funniest costume at target for was a lobster costume! :) I guess I couldn't justify spending the money for her to sit at home and bark when the doorbell rings. Which she will be doing...every time.

Anyway...enjoy your Halloween!

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Rainy Saturday

It's so rainy today...It makes me want to just stay in and watch movies. Unfortunately, the laundry is calling my name. I absolutely love the cooler weather. I wish it would continue to get cooler and then eventually snow. As you can see I am living in a fantasy! :)

I am getting so excited for Thanksgiving. I love being around family and it will be especially nice this year since all of our family is coming to Orlando to visit us. Normally we are the ones doing the traveling.

I am also excited for tomorrow...Dirty Little Secrets seems to be really speaking to people and I'm sure it will do the same tomorrow. I love C3 and the people that I see there every Sunday who are so positive and excited about C3's future.

Anyway...In honor of Christmastime coming soon and my love for the movie Elf, I posted this video. :)

Happy Saturday!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Funny Friday!

The show was great last night...My favorite thing was Andy trying to figure out the: "Break me off a piece of that fancy feast!" I loved that no one would tell him!

I love The Office!

Laugh Away!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lyrics that Inspire

I love this song and it encourages me in so many ways. It reminds me constantly that He is always there no matter what!

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
Your perfect love is casting out fear
And even when I'm caught in the middle of the storms of this life
I won't turn back
I know you are near

And I will fear no evil
For my God is with me
And if my God is with me
Whom then shall I fear?
Whom then shall I fear?

Oh no, You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let go
Lord, You never let go of me

And I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
A glorious light beyond all compare
And there will be an end to these troubles
But until that day comes
We'll live to know You here on the earth

Yes, I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
And there will be an end to these troubles
But until that day comes
Still I will praise You, still I will praise You

It is amazing to know that He truly will never let go!

Have a happy Thursday!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Worth Fighting For...

Today has been a good day...A Happy Wednesday as Angie would say! =) By the way...her last post was hilarious! You should check it out here.

I went to work and then spent some time with my wonderful best friend Kayleigh. It was great. I love hanging out with her because she is someone I can be myself around and talk to about anything... She is the kind of friend that would not only not judge me for being crazy (if ever was...but you know, I never am!)...she would be crazy with me! She is also my permanent decorator. =) It is such a blessing to have wonderful friends you can be around and feel comfortable with. Friends that you can always be honest with and that you know won't judge matter what. That 'no matter what' is a big deal. I am realizing more and more how much that unconditional factor is huge. You can have so many 'conditional' friends. They are only friends with you while it's convenient for them...but once it gets slightly inconvenient they bolt faster than you can blink. Those unconditional friends are so incredibly rare. You have to hold on to those people and fight for those can't let those go even if you go through tough times.

I am so thankful for my friends that would fight for me, too. I am thankful for their love for me and their honesty with me. I am also thankful for C3 and how they are willing to fight for people. They will fight for all those lost people who feel so disconnected with church and church people. They will fight for that one person who had that bad experience and doesn't want church in their life anymore. They will fight always. I love C3...and I love my friends. All willing to fight and most definitely worth fighting for.

Fight for Love.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Random Thinkings...

Today was a good day...tiring (partly because I have not been taking my iron pills...I really need to.) but a good one. My head is filled with random thoughts...

* I am so ready for the holidays...we are doing Thanksgiving at our house this year. I'm excited about it...besides the cooking of course =) I just wish it would get colder already! I love shopping the day after Thanksgiving...I mean I could shop anytime, but it's especially fun then.

* I love the kind of friendships that no matter how long you go without talking or seeing the other person...nothing changes. You can still talk, be normal, and be as close as you were when you talked everyday.

* I am so thankful for all my real friends =) The real ones are rare...

* Matt and I went grocery shopping today...It reminded me how much I don't like grocery shopping. =) I don't know why but I just don't...

* I am so thankful for Matt...I am amazed at great he is to me even when I don't deserve it.

* My Colt's won last night. =)

* We are playing poker tonight...hopefully I will do well again.

Okay...It's time for dinner soon and then poker so I better stop the randomness now. =)

Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


I recently saw this commercial and I thought the message was great. We so often just give up on things instead of realizing what the problem might be and fixing it. This could be dealing with any issue...big or small. This could relate to churches as well. Now granted, not one church is going to fit everyone...people have their preferences, but does that mean if we don't like something we immediately bolt? What if the church is reaching lost people and doing what the Bible says the church should do...I guess for some they don't care. I guess some would rather be at a church where they can be recognized for how great they are...instead of a church that solely focuses on how great God is...hmmm...oh well though.

I am thankful for C3 and all they do to reach people and how they focus on Christ and how awesome He is.

Back to the video (I got a little side tracked...That happens to me a lot!) I thought it was awesome and really made me think about how easily I sometimes want to give up on stuff. It can be such an easy solution but I have found it can make things so much worse in the long run. I have never been one to have a "giving up" attitude with relationships (my marriage) but it happens to me with friendships. I used to give up on them so easily! One argument or disagreement of any kind and my first thought would be: "Oh well, guess we weren't that good of friends." What?? That's so crazy. I'm so glad I changed that way of thinking because I could have lost so many great people in my many people that I am so grateful for.

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."
1 John 4:7-8

Friday, October 19, 2007

Funny Friday!

This commercial is too funny!

Laugh Away!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thursday's Thoughts

Random Thursday Thoughts...

* It's been a weird day...I just have a bad habit of letting things get to me and frustrate me. It's okay though...Sometimes you just have to learn to let things go.

* I love working at C3! It has been such a busy week but I am definitely looking forward to Sunday!

* I love having dinner with great friends! I went to dinner with one of my oldest friends last night...It was awesome to catch up with her.

* I got 3rd again when we played poker on Tuesday. =)

* I am praying for all the families out there hurting, suffering, and grieving. They need all of our prayers very much at this time right now.

* I have been so encouraged by others blogs lately. I love reading this guy's blogs about churches and being relevant. I also loved Barry's blog about life, you can check that out here.

So I loved The Office tonight and I figured I would have to post some of my favorite moments!

* Michael saying to Jan: "People tell me I have really pretty eyes...I haven't heard the same about you."

* Michael on his cars: We used to have two cars and now we have one. Traded two in for one, good economical sense."

* When Jim and Pam stay at Schrute Farms.

* The discussion of the usage of the words "who" and "whom."

* Michael + the train.

* Kelly saying "Ryan used me as an object."

* Of course, I love Jim and Pam! =) They are too cute.

* Michael: "I don't talk to my girlfriend about money problems. It is rude and unsexual."

Have a happy Friday!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


“Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel …”
1 Corinthians 9:19-23

I read this verse on another blog today and it encouraged me so much. It reminded me why we do what we do and how important it is to not expect others to come and be like you, but to go and become relevant to them and their culture. No, that doesn't mean compromising what you believe, but using relevant techniques to communicate the same message. I love that C3 does that, it's awesome!

I love C3!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

He's Always There...

Sometimes life gets tiring. I just want to sleep! My heart hurts for my friends around me who are hurting. Two of them have lost a parent in such a short amount of time and one family is trying to hold on to their dad/husband. Angie asks everyone to join her in prayer for them here. I hope you will join in...I am reminded when life gets hard and we just need rest that God is right there to hold us up. When I look back on days that I don't know how I got through I remember that it was Him who held me up...He gave me rest when I was tired and provided amazing people in my life to give me support. I know that God will do the same for my friends that are hurting. It can be in those times of sadness that you see God work the most and you grow so much closer to Him. I am so thankful for our God who helps us when we can't help ourselves and continues to grow us in ways we could never imagine.

I will be praying that they have comfort and I know they have some great people surrounding them with love.

"I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint."
Jeremiah 31:25

Lyrics that Inspire

My Future Decided
Hillsong United

You hold the future in your hands
You know my dreams and you have a plan
And as you light my way, I'll follow you

My eyes on all of the above
My soul secure in all you've done
My minds made up
And you are the only one for me

Jesus, savior, in my life you are everything
My future decided, I will praise your name
And I know that I am, I am yours
Yeah, I know that that I am, I am yours

You hold the earth in your command
You are the rock on which I stand
And as I live each day, I'll follow you

Aren't afraid, aren't ashamed Lord we know who we are
We are your people and we won't be silent
Unified hear us cry at the top of our lungs
You our God and we will not be shaken

He truly is our rock and we will not be shaken!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sunday Randomness...

Today was a great Sunday! Powerhouse was awesome...we had so many new kids! I caught most of the service, too. It was awesome and I know God was definitely moving and working in lives. We had a ton of new people. =) I think this is a series that can help so many...and even if it doesn't directly apply to you (even though we all face temptation of some kind), you can always learn to try and keep from making those mistakes yourself. I am so thankful that God is by our side no matter what.

Crave was also awesome. It was great to have Travis back, and Jon did a great job talking to the kids about connecting. I love Crave and all our students. =)

I have been thinking a lot lately about priorities...How I need to make sure I am spending my time on the people and things that matter the most. It is vital to me to make sure the people that are the most important in my life know it, and it can be so easy sometimes to over commit to stuff. I have to be reminded to say no sometimes...even if it's stuff I want to do. I kind of want to say no to school but Matt says I can't do that. =) I, personally, think I am over committed to school...but that's just me! =)

I am pretty excited about next Monday. Matt and I are trying to get tickets to the Colt's game in Jacksonville for next Monday night! I really hope it works out...I love seeing them play. I just hope it's a better turn out then when the Colt's played in Jax last year...But I won't discuss that.

I love that show Man Vs. Wild! He is crazy and eats the craziest stuff. The show teaches me a lot...mostly that I think I would die if I got stuck in the wild! =)

Okay, I think that's enough random for one post. =)

Hope everyone has a happy Monday!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Funny Friday!

Love it =)

Laugh Away!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Office Thursday!

This show is too were some of my favorite parts. They made me laugh in spite of FSU's ugly game!

* Jim's face after Meredith asks him to sign her cast.

* Michael discussing his "brain grandchild."

* The exclusive night club...Chat room...with a password to get in. =) LOL

* Instant messaging between "the website" and Dwight.

* Michael saying to Angela: " OK easy booster seat, no one cares about this party anyway."

* Michael's gift for Ryan.

* Michael's purple, too tight, shirt. And then him proceeding to ask "how much weight do you think I can lose by 7pm?"

* Angela's description of silverware.

* Dwight's competition against the website.

* Michael kidnapping the kid...there's nothing else to say about that except for the fact that he didn't think it was kidnapping!

* Andy trying to scratch Angela's back...weirdo!

* Kevin referring to the pizza: "Oh it's real bad. It's like eating a hot circle of garbage!"

* I think my most favorite part was Jim and Pam's date on the roof and their recollections of when they first liked each other. =)

Those are just some of my favorite parts. I love The Office...It Rocks!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Random Thoughts

Thoughts from the day...

* I am very excited to see the new series this Sunday...Dirty Little Secrets. I think it's going to be amazing!

* I love playing poker on Tuesday nights...I got 4th place! =)

* I think I am addicted to my does everything! I really want Matt to get one.

* Of course, everyone knows I am excited for The Office tomorrow.

* The FSU game is on at the same time as The Office...That means I have to TiVo it and then watch it later...Matt won't pick a show over his Seminoles!

* I love reading encouraging blogs. I think blogging is such an awesome tool that can be used for some great things.

* Of course, some people misuse it...oh well...

* My sister is coming to stay with us this weekend. We love having her here!

* I am so excited for C3! When I drove to work today and saw the "sold" on the sign it was very exciting! =)

* I can't wait for the awesome things God is going to continue to use us for, and the people we will be able to reach being in the theater.

* I love my hubby! He did so much laundry for me...that rocks...I hate folding clothes!

* Well, I need to try to get some sleep...Maybe I'll go watch some of The Office with Matt ;)

Hope everyone has a great Thursday!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

In Their Shoes...

I read this post by Vince Antonucci and it really spoke to me. What he talks about is so true and, I believe, if done could change the way lost people view church. Here is part of the can read the rest here.

If you’re trying to reach people who don’t currently go to church, and you’re hoping this person might show up to your service … well,
put yourself in their shoes. If you’ve gone to church all your life, this will be difficult. But try to imagine: What does this person feel like coming to church if they haven’t been in a long time? What is he thinking if he got up early on a Sunday morning to come to check you out instead of doing what he normally does? What is he looking for? What does he see when he drives up, when he walks in, when he sits down? What does he hear? What does he smell? How does all of that impact him? What does it communicate to him about who you are? About what you care about? About what you really believe about what you say you believe?

I hope I can really start to put myself in others shoes. Not even new people in church, but just in everyday life! How much better would that make all of my relationships if I just did that...Just to make sure I try to see how the other person would feel before I act. It something so simple that seems like it would be easy to do...but not always. Sometimes, for me, it can be difficult to try and see where the other person is coming from or how they feel. However, I think if a more conscious effort is made it could improve so many relationships and help unchurched people see what we're really about.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

A Day to Remember

It was an exceptionally great Sunday in so many ways. The service was amazing and it is so exciting to be able to move forward with C3 in all that they do to reach the lost. I cannot wait to move into the theaters...It's going to be great to see all the work God will do there! I love being part of a church that takes risks and doesn't just play it safe. I love being part of a church that knows how to move past the hurt and continue with God's vision. I love being part of a real church, and not just a 'put a fake smile on when you come to church because your life has to look perfect' church. Matt and I are so thankful for the day we just happen to stumble upon C3 church so long ago. Little did we know then...God had that planned and we couldn't be more grateful!

Our Crave bowling event was amazing, too! We had 40 students show up and 7 new ones. Man...what an amazing day! God is so faithful and He is using our students in a huge way. The students do such a great job inviting their friends. Everyone seemed to have a great time...It is awesome to see the group growing so much. I cannot remember a week that has gone by when we haven't had a new person. =) That rocks!

Well...I have loads of homework to do...It will be a long night, but that's okay. =)

I love C3

Saturday, October 6, 2007


I am reminded constantly why we fight for love. I am reminded when I see the new faces...when someone I know gets excited about the way C3 does church and hearing them say..." I never knew church could be like that."

I am reminded when I look at my family. They need us to fight for love. Most of them don't know Christ, and they need us to keep fighting and keep running.

I am reminded when I talk to students that are hurting beyond my belief. They need the fight. They need us to look past all the crap and not let any of that get us down, but to keep focusing on the amazing things God is doing and the great people He has brought our way.

I am reminded when I see children who are excited about church. When I hear their parents talk about the horrible experiences their children have had before, and how they weren't welcome at some other churches. I'm reminded when I hear kids saying to their parents..."Jesus loves me." I don't know how much better than that it gets!

I am reminded in my own life when I think about where I was, and where I am now.

I cannot wait until's going to be amazing. I love C3!

Fight for Love

Friday, October 5, 2007

Funny Friday!

This is Madea's version of the Bible! Too funny =)

Laugh Away!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Blogs that Inspire

Here are some blogs I think are amazing, inspiring, and just rock =)

You can check out Pastor Byron's blog about church here.

Angie's Blog about love here.

Vince Antonucci has a blog about reaching the lost here.

And...Barry Leathers blog about expectations here.

These are just some the blogs that I love!

Blogging Rocks!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Thoughts from the Day

This week has gone by in a blink! There is so much to do tomorrow and I cannot believe it's going to be Thursday.

* I was just thinking about working at C3 and what a privilege it is. Not just because of the life change I get to see happen, (which is amazing beyond words) but because of the people we are surrounded with in the office. You feel such a team atmosphere to just get it matter who has to do it. I am so grateful for that! We're all willing to help one another, do things that don't necessarily fit our "job descriptions," and pull together to make Sunday the best it can be.

I absolutely love my job and I am so thankful for those around me everyday! =)

* We have so many students signed up for bowling this Sunday. =)

* Man, our students do an awesome job of inviting their friends! We continuously have so many new students at Crave and they keep coming back and bringing their friends!

* Crave is really growing and so are our is so exciting to be a part of that.

* I really want to watch a Madea movie, she always makes me laugh!

* Of course, I am looking forward to The Office tomorrow...I hope they bring back, "That's what she said!" After all, it was Michael's trademark =)

* Speaking of TV, I watched Deal or No Deal tonight...some of the people on that show get greedy! I would be perfectly fine with that first offer they get!

* I am so thankful for great friends! =)

* Matt and I are really praying for the Conrad family...specifically for Sandi and her dad. Pray for them as they travel this week to see him.

Hope everyone has a terrific Thursday =)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Tonight Matt, me, and Barry O. are going to play our usual Tuesday night poker in Avalon. Some judge us for this...not our friends, but people who hardly know us...but I think the connections we have made there are so awesome. We are connecting with real people who (most) don't know Christ and God is really using us. We are connecting with the same people that C3 has a desire to reach. The last time we played poker we really felt a connection starting to build, here's why:

We went to play last week and all sat at the same table...there were probably 8 people sitting with us. I was wearing my C3 shirt and that started a whole conversation about church. I am so glad that we have shirts like that! It is amazing that a small thing like a shirt can get people talking. We had some questions about our church thrown at us...nothing we haven't heard before, but the others at the table heard and joined in, too. We had one guy at the table say, "How can you guys play poker? Isn't that against your rules?" It is amazing the assumptions people have put on "church people." Well, actually, none of us are "church people" we're all just people who love Jesus and love others, the guy just put us in that category because unfortunately that is what most Christians are like. Anyway, I looked back at the guy and said, proudly might I add, we don't go to your typical church. What an awesome thing to be able to say that our church is different! We don't expect you to act in this holy manner on Sunday and then do whatever you want during the week. We just let you be real...everyday! When our staff is real, why would they expect anything else from the members. C3 doesn't expect holy, they just want you to love Jesus and others..but if you're not sure about Jesus...they'll love you anyway!

We had continuous conversations with one particular person, who appears to already go to a church, for a while...the best part was the others who were listening in. They heard us talk about C3, church in general, and they knew what we believed after that. I expected them to act differently and talk differently around us after that...they didn't. Despite what they said, what they drank, or how they acted we chose not to judge. It can be hard not to judge, but I bet they expected us to do that to them. I wonder why they would expect that...

I am just thankful that God has given us this opportunity. I never would have thought we could build connections playing poker. I always just thought of it as fun and that we would just kind of keep to ourselves. God had different plans! =) He is making me more and more thankful for that everyday and for our church. The kind of church that loves people NO MATTER WHAT!

Well, we're off for another fun night of poker...By the way, I got 2nd place last time! (higher than Matt and Barry!) I'm going for the win tonight =) I'll keep updating on the connections we make and the people we meet!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Monday Madness!

Today was a crazy much to do! Here are my random thoughts right now...

*I am excited for this Sunday because we are going bowling with our Crave students...We have 30 students signed up! I am so excited about what God is doing at Crave every Sunday. He is really speaking to our students and they are really opening up and feeling comfortable. They are an amazing group!

* I love people who just get it! Who understand what C3 is all about and why...

* Our God really is Mighty to Save!
* My Colt's did win yesterday...Sorry, D-Lo. =) But to be honest, I'm not really that sorry! I think Darrell has it out for Peyton Manning, but I don't know why =)

* I feel like it has been raining for two weeks! Sometimes I love the rain...especially at night, but sometimes it can be annoying.

* It is starting to get cooler outside and I love it...I can't wait for Christmastime!

* I have the greatest husband!

* I am loving all my new facebook friends...I like facebook so much more than myspace.

* I also have the greatest friends!

* I am so ready to move to the theater! It is going to be amazing and we're going to be able to reach so many more people.

* Okay, I need to go cook dinner, but I am not a huge fan of cooking =)

That's enough randomness for now...maybe more later! =)

Our God...

I love this song and I needed to be reminded that He can move the mountains...As long as I rely on Him I will be just fine. Our God is Mighty to Save.

Love Wins