Sunday, September 23, 2007

I love C3!

The atmosphere at C3 this morning was unbelievable. It was so encouraging for me and reminded me why we do what we do. As I looked around while we were singing all I could see were people who love C3, people who are real, and people who just want real answers to their problems.

The message this morning was amazing and really convicted me of a few things. I was reminded how important it is to be intentional in the friendships that you make and that I need to be building relationships to help people come to know Christ and show them God's love. I need to do the same thing with my family. They don't know Christ and sometimes I think I give up hope. The few times I have tried to talk to them about Christ they are very against hearing anything. I just need to remember that God is in control, and I can always be showing them His love through my actions. I was reminded this morning not to give up on them...God is God and He can do anything! I am so thankful for that and I hope that they do see His love through me.

I know Crave tonight will be great, too. I love these students and appreciate their openness. They make new students feel so welcome. I always see regular Crave students talking with and being friendly to students visiting for the first time. They help to make Crave what it is. So many of them are constantly bringing friends and investing in people. They are so awesome! I can't wait to see how God is going to move tonight.

C3 Rocks!

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