Tuesday, September 25, 2007


There are some things and people I will never understand...

I'll never understand why people write certain things or comments in their blogs. It's amusing how immature people can be. Of course, I am reminded again and again when I let these things get to me, that I can only control myself. I have no control of others and their actions. I have no control of what people may or may not write in their blogs. I have no control....God does. I just have to make the choice of what to focus on. I can choose to focus on people that hurt me or people that love me, and I can choose to focus on and read blogs that are encouraging or blogs that just tear down others.

I choose to focus on encouraging people. I have always said I would not read discouraging blogs, but this weekend I came across one by chance. Of course, I read it. I shouldn't have. I knew I shouldn't when immediately afterwards I was angry. I did not come away from reading that blog feeling the way I do when I read blogs that are encouraging. I came away mad at this person and mad at myself. So today I will make the choice (again) to not read blogs that just tear people down and are extremely immature. I will also make the choice to do my best to only focus on the positive...Positive people and blogs!

I have found that there really isn't much negativity in my life anymore. God really shows how much He loves us by taking people out of our lives. We may get upset at that moment and not understand why they left or hurt us, but we realize soon after that, that God had a purpose. He knew they would only bring us down and hold us back from being the person He wants us to be. He knew what they would do to us and because He only wants the best for us...He took them away.

I thank God for how much He has protected me!

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