Sunday, December 30, 2007

2008, Here We Come!

The week is over...and we are finally home. It has been such a great relaxing week. I loved it. We spent time with family, went to the zoo, and spent lots of time together :) I love spending so much time with Matt...we had a great time on our little vacation. We went to Amelia Island and stayed at the beach. You can check out pictures from our trip here. Everything was amazing...the view from our room rocked.

I just can't believe that we are only a week away from our first Sunday at the theater. It's gonna be awesome and I can't wait! I also can't wait to see what God has in store for 2008...I know that it will be a much better year...I am glad to put 2007 behind me. I will, however, take away from it so many lessons that God taught me. He taught me (and continues to teach me) the act of truly forgiving someone. He showed me who my real friends were and amazed me with their loyalty. He taught me how to trust...

I will not forget the lessons that He taught me and I am glad to be moving forward. I can't wait for this Sunday! It will be scary but so exciting at the same time...I'm sure it won't be perfect and we will have to work out kinks...but I know it's gonna rock...and each Sunday will get better and better! God is amazing and I can't wait to see what He does!!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Love is the Movement

I can't believe how fast Christmas went by...we had a great time with our families though! It's great to be able to spend some quality time with them. Matt and I are headed out for a little two day vacation tomorrow and I can't wait. =)

I just read Pastor Byron's blog and it hit something in me...I, just the other day was listening to someone rant about how "people" are taking Christ out of Christmas. They kept saying that people don't care about offending Christians. I couldn't agree more with what Pastor can you expect lost people to act like they know Christ? How can you expect lost people to celebrate Christmas the same way people who know Christ do? ...maybe if we showed them what we truly celebrate they would see. Maybe if we loved them instead of ranted about them...maybe if we cared...and remembered that they need Him.

It amazes me how much I have changed over the past couple of years...I probably would have joined in the conversation about how lost people act, back then. Not anymore...I am so glad I see...I see that you can't expect people to come to know Christ when the one time they actually come to church you condemn them or judge them. I see what loving others is truly about. I see how you won't get anywhere with people if you don't love them. People need to be loved and most are so lacking in so many areas of life that the church is where they should always be able to find it. I'm proud to be a part of a church where people will find that love...C3 rocks and Love Wins :)

Monday, December 24, 2007

I love Christmastime!

Matt and I are on our way to Jacksonville right now…I am so ready to be out of town for a while. I love just getting away sometimes. Even if it’s not far…it’s also nice to be able to spend time with family. We don’t see them too often so we’re excited. ☺ We’re also taking a small side trip for a couple days…just the two of us. I love that. I love spending time with Matt, especially on vacation!

Yesterday was amazing. The atmosphere was indescribable. It was our last time in those buildings…I thought it might be bittersweet…I was wrong. All could think about as we were moving stuff out of there was how exciting the theater is going to be. I was thinking about how much Eastland is going to get out of the buildings and how they just suit them so well. I can’t wait for January 6th. It’s going to be amazing…exciting…all of the above! I know God is going to use that in awesome ways and I can’t wait to see what He does.

Anyway- it’s Christmas Eve today…the sermon yesterday helped to remind me that I need to focus on Christ and others during this time. I am so thankful that He was born…and I am so thankful for all He has done. For His unconditional love. I am so thankful for the people He has placed in my life. I don’t know what I would do without them. I am blessed to have the most wonderful husband, an awesome family, and friends that ROCK! ☺ …. And an adorably cute puppy…how could I forget her? ☺

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and try to breathe through all the craziness that this time of year can bring…I know I need to stop, breathe and remember what it’s really all about.

Love & Merry Christmas to you ☺

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Check It Out...

Angie has created a women of C3 blog! It rocks and I think you should check it can do that right here.

The C3 women are amazing and I am grateful to know them.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Embracing Change

I've always been one to embrace change...I would even go as far as to say I usually crave change. I love the changes that C3 makes, I love the change that I get from school, and obviously I love changing houses because we move so much!! :) But why is it that some parts of life start changing right in front of you and it's incredibly hard to accept. There are those parts of life that start to change and it's inevitable, but I try so hard to grab a hold of them and and not let them move. Of course, there's nothing I can do about it. Life is always changing...people are always changing...there are some that you can change with- adapt to- and then some that you just grow apart from. Some that you weren't meant to adapt to. God has a plan and purpose for it all, though. That is what helps me, personally, accept the change. I know that even though it's difficult to accept, it will be fine in the end.

So I will continue to embrace change! I mean you can't possibly live in this world without it. That doesn't mean you change the core of who you are...but if you aren't changing then how could you possibly be growing? ...just a thought.

I truly do love change...most of the time, anyway. I love a change of scenery especially. Orlando is awesome, but it's always good to get away for a bit. I, of course, love all the changes C3 has made and will continue to make. As Angie says, "...Celebrating Constant Change!" :) I love it! I really don't love changing houses as much as I have...but then maybe subconsciously I do...hmmm, it's too late to start thinking about that! Anyway...I love the changing seasons, too...even though living in FL doesn't really do that justice. I asked Matt if we could move to Colorado for the winter but he said no. I think it's late so now I'm just rambling :) ...but one more thing- I love that our God calls us to change and to continuously be evaluating who we are and how we're living. He doesn't want us to sit in comfort but rather be uncomfortable...definitely not always easy for me, but I will embrace it.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

C3ers = Awesome!

Christmas is approaching so quickly and each day I think I'm getting more done...but I'm wrong! :) I really did think I was almost done shopping and then I realized I haven't bought for Matt yet! That always takes me a while so I need to get started.

Anyway...I have been thinking tonight about C3 and the future...I am so excited. I can't wait to see how God uses our move to impact lives. It's going to be amazing...and I just love being a part of a real church and a real group of people who are authentic. People who walk into church for the first time can tell if you're real or if you're just faking it. I mean think about it, when you walk into an unusual place with lots of know who's real and know if people are just being nice to you because it's a job or if they genuinely care. That's what is so awesome about C3. It's a place full of people who genuinely care about others and who know how far a smile goes. It's a place full of people who have stepped up to serve because they know it's needed.

We had our C3 kids training meeting this past Sunday afternoon, and we had so many new people who want to volunteer. It was awesome! It's so great to see people really wanting to make a difference in kids lives. And it's even cooler to see their excitement about moving into the theater. They are pumped and have such positive attitudes about it. We all know there will be hangups and even frustrations, but I know that our volunteers are still going to be so positive...they just get it! It rocks :) ...and so do they!

God is awesome and I can't wait to see what He continues to do through C3!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Late Night Randomness...

It is going to be a busy weekend...We must finish our Christmas shopping this weekend. I can't stand not having it done by now. I usually do...but our families are getting harder to shop for!

We had a little birthday thing for Matt and Adam tonight. It was fun...we all watched Madea Goes to Jail. That would be like the 3rd time in the past week I have watched at least parts of it. She cracks me up...and she's very wise. :)

Last night we had our Community Group meet with Pastor Byron. He discussed details about the move and just talked to us about various things. It was a great was so great to have so many people together who get it. It was great to get to know what we as C3ers can be praying for...more specifically praying for that is. It just made me even more thankful for C3 and the staff. And then of course it made me more excited than ever for the theater. I know there will be hangups and things will have to be adjusted, but it is going to be amazing. I can just imagine how awesome Powerhouse is going to be...not to mention how awesome the worship & main services are going to be! It's all gonna be awesome and I can't wait to get there. It's crazy (and exciting) to know that we only have two more services left in the building.

Anyway- it's late...time to get to bed :)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Wisdom From Madea

I watched Madea Goes to Jail last night...I've seen it before but it never gets old :) I know it's just a movie, but Madea gives some great advice. I love the first part of the clip I posted..."Let folks go!" Some people aren't going to be in your life forever...and when they walk out...let 'em go. She proceeds to compare people to trees...I love that part. She then says how she never just throws people out of her life for no reason...but if you tell someone that something their doing is hurting you and they don't care to fix it...let 'em go. It all rings so true...but of course one of my very favorite parts (who am I kidding they all are :) ): "If it walk like a duck and quack like a duck, then guess what? ...Aflac!" Even though that wasn't on the clip I still love it.

Anyway- enjoy :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I love blogging!

So this is my 100th post and...I LOVE blogging! :) This has been such a great outlet for me and I am so glad I started writing...well, typing. I am thankful for blogging because it is such an encouraging tool (when used correctly) and I love reading blogs that make you feel refreshed afterwards...or make you laugh, smile, etc... Some of them even challenge you to think outside of yourself. Check out the 'blogs I'm reading' section of my blog for some amazing and encouraging blogs.

Anyway- I am starting to really freak out because I didn't realize there were only like 13 days left until Christmas! Whoa...where did the time go! I should probably finish up my shopping soon. Well instead of getting stuff done I love reading blogs :) I think everyone should read Angie's post from cracked me up for quite some time! You can read it here.

Well that's it for now...everyone think thoughts of cold weather- maybe it'll happen :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Random Thoughts

* Today was a busy day...I went to the church to help with some stuff and I cannot believe how fast the time has gone. It feels like yesterday that they sold the property and now they are packing everything up! I am so excited to get to the theater. It's gonna be awesome!

* I am wondering why it is so hot in December!! I know we live in Florida but seriously. Oh how I wish it would be in the 20's and snow! ...but more realistically I just wish it would go down to the 60's.

* I want to go on vacation to a snowy place...Colorado would be ideal. :)

* So almost all of the shows I watch on TV have been put on hold because of the writers strike least we still have reality TV.

* Speaking of reality TV: I just watched The Hills for the 1st time the other night and I'm hooked already!

* I am not even close to being done with my Christmas shopping and it is stressing me out! I am usually done like a week after Thanksgiving...I don't know what's wrong with me this year.

* I love being around fun and encouraging people...there's nothing like spending time with positive people who uplift you!

* Ok- I really need to go clean and do laundry...I have lots to do but I like to put it off as long as I can...and now the laundry is overflowing- I better go :)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Amazing Sunday!

Today was another great C3 Sunday. I love how no matter what the sermon is about I get so much out of it...every Sunday! I absolutely love the atmosphere at C3- It's something that is brought about by people...not a building. Speaking of buildings, I can't wait to move to the theater. The time has gone by so fast! We only have two more Sundays in our buildings exciting! Anyway- this morning Pastor spoke about what defines us and what we were born to do. It reminded me how important it is to not let your past mistakes define you. God forgives that and moves past it and so should we. God doesn't want us to limit ourselves by living in the past...we can't live the life that He has created for us if we continue to live in the past.

Crave was amazing tonight. Travis did a great job discussing how we need to make sure we are dependent on God in our daily lives and not just when bad things happen and we need Him. I think it's something that we can all relate to, not just students. So many times in my own life I try to solve my problems on my own without going to God. It's amazing the difference going to God with your problems instead of trying to do it all yourself makes.

My high school girls small group is made up of some awesome girls. They blew me away tonight. We were talking about how people have impacted their lives and a couple of the girls shared how others girls in the group have impacted their lives. I was moved to see how the group has grown together so much over the past months. To be honest...I had to hold back tears because knowing the way the group used to be and the way it is now...That is only God. Only He could do something so amazing and grow a group they way He has. He brought us some great girls that truly get it. They do such a great job of investing in new girls that come to the group. If they didn't the new girls wouldn't stay...but they do...and they open up and share because they feel safe. To feel safe to share your thoughts and feelings with a group of high school girls...that takes God. I am so grateful to be able to be a part of them,and I may be the small group leader- but they teach me so much!

Sunday's at C3 never get old...God is moving in miraculous ways in and through C3. It rocks and I already can't wait for next week.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Happy Birthday Matt!

Today is my hubby's birthday! He is 25...I know gettin' old!

I am so thankful for him...I can't even explain it all with words but God has truly blessed me with the greatest husband and best friend I could ask for. He is always selfless and unconditional. I don't know how he puts up with me all the time...I can be such high maintenance! He is such a great example of Christ's love and is always striving to live for Him. He encourages me and lifts me up and he never fails to make me laugh! The past 5 years that we have been together have been the absolute greatest! He always knows just what to say to make me smile :) He is just the greatest! I love him and thank God for him everyday. I am so happy he was born.

Some random things I love about him:

* He doesn't mind that I dislike cooking!
* He always takes care of me when I'm sick...who am I kidding...he takes care of me when I'm not sick!
* He spoils me :)
* He is GREAT with kids- he's going to be a fantastic dad one day (not too soon though!)
* He watches all the crazy TV shows I like with me.
*His passion for all of the things and people he loves the most... (including FSU football ;) )
* He is just the bestest husband ever! I love him with all my heart! :)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Crazy Madea

Madea is crazy and she always makes me laugh so I figured I would share this!

Laugh Away and have a happy Thursday!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Lyrics that Inspire

Savior I come
Quiet my soul remember
Redemption's hill
Where Your blood was spilled
For my ransom
Everything I once held dear
I count it all as lost

Lead me to the cross
Where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees
Lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself
I belong to You
Lead me, lead me to the cross

You were as I
Tempted and trialed
The word became flesh
Bore my sin and death
Now you're risen

I love this song...I think the lyrics say it all!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Office Tuesday

I am missing The Office quite a bit so I figured I would post one of my favorite scenes! ...I love Jim and Pam. I'm hoping the writers thing will end soon! :)


Happy Watching...

Monday, December 3, 2007

I'm Lovin' It

I heard yesterday's service was amazing! I listened it to a little bit of it on the TV outside of the worship center and I loved what I heard- as usual. Pastor was talking about fear and how we let our fear control us instead of our faith. I just heard that part and I was already feeling convicted! I do just that sometimes...I let my fear control and forget about my faith and the fact that God is always there for us and He never fails! How awesome is it to have a God like that...I can't wait to see how He uses our move into the theater to reach people. It is going to be amazing to be so close to so many people and in such a familiar location.

Powerhouse was just as awesome as always, too! We are packing the kidzone out each week and it rocks! It is so amazing and encouraging to see our kids inviting their friends. We actually had a family come in that hadn't been to C3 for a couple years...obviously it has changed quite a bit...and by the time PH was over the kids were saying to their mom: "We should come back here all the time!" I love it. I love these kids. I love the volunteers. I love C3.

I also love my husband :) This Friday is his birthday. He's gettin' old! ...the big 25. I am so thankful for him!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Weekend Thoughts

Today has been a long day! Usually Saturdays aren't that way...but I guess it was just going along with our entire week! We went to the UCF game today with Kayleigh, Barry, and Josh- it was the first one we have been to since the new stadium was built- it was a blast! We stood the entire game, mostly because everyone else did and of course I am so short that if the people in front of me were standing, I had to be, too. It was still fun though...not for my feet but that's okay :) I was glad UCF won...they are now on their way to the Liberty Bowl. That's big for them! I'm still a FSU and LSU fan but it's always good to see UCF do well.

We traveled to Tampa on Thursday for the funeral for Matt's grandfather. We had the visitation on Thursday and then the funeral on Friday. It went as well as something like that could go...I was happy to see his grandmother doing well and she was the one reminding us that he is at peace now. Matt spoke at the funeral...I was so proud. He did great and really helped everyone remember the person his grandfather was. We are so thankful for all of the people in our lives who were there for us...we're thankful for all the prayers. To all of you who prayed and were just there for us in any way- you'll never know how much it meant!

It's been a crazy week...It's amazing how you can see God work in so many ways. Matt's grandmother is a testament to how He works and comforts. She is an inspiring and strong person...Through so many difficult moments I can see God right there...It's amazing and sometimes it's so great I can't even describe it with words!

On another encouraging note...Matt and I were at the store this past week and ran into a fellow C3er...He was talking to us about how excited he was to spend the money on a need for someone and then proceeded to tell us how awesome he thinks it is that we're moving to the theater. He was saying how exciting he thinks it is to think of how many we'll be able to reach being in the new location. It was so wonderful to hear was refreshing! The people at C3 are amazing and it feels great to be a part of a community that is so incredibly positive and excited! The energy is contagious! Well, I just wanted to share- time for bed soon and then tomorrow is another Sunday at C3- I know it will be amazing...I can't wait!