Tuesday, October 16, 2007

He's Always There...

Sometimes life gets tiring. I just want to sleep! My heart hurts for my friends around me who are hurting. Two of them have lost a parent in such a short amount of time and one family is trying to hold on to their dad/husband. Angie asks everyone to join her in prayer for them here. I hope you will join in...I am reminded when life gets hard and we just need rest that God is right there to hold us up. When I look back on days that I don't know how I got through I remember that it was Him who held me up...He gave me rest when I was tired and provided amazing people in my life to give me support. I know that God will do the same for my friends that are hurting. It can be in those times of sadness that you see God work the most and you grow so much closer to Him. I am so thankful for our God who helps us when we can't help ourselves and continues to grow us in ways we could never imagine.

I will be praying that they have comfort and I know they have some great people surrounding them with love.

"I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint."
Jeremiah 31:25

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