Saturday, October 6, 2007


I am reminded constantly why we fight for love. I am reminded when I see the new faces...when someone I know gets excited about the way C3 does church and hearing them say..." I never knew church could be like that."

I am reminded when I look at my family. They need us to fight for love. Most of them don't know Christ, and they need us to keep fighting and keep running.

I am reminded when I talk to students that are hurting beyond my belief. They need the fight. They need us to look past all the crap and not let any of that get us down, but to keep focusing on the amazing things God is doing and the great people He has brought our way.

I am reminded when I see children who are excited about church. When I hear their parents talk about the horrible experiences their children have had before, and how they weren't welcome at some other churches. I'm reminded when I hear kids saying to their parents..."Jesus loves me." I don't know how much better than that it gets!

I am reminded in my own life when I think about where I was, and where I am now.

I cannot wait until's going to be amazing. I love C3!

Fight for Love

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