Tuesday, October 9, 2007

In Their Shoes...

I read this post by Vince Antonucci and it really spoke to me. What he talks about is so true and, I believe, if done could change the way lost people view church. Here is part of the post...you can read the rest here.

If you’re trying to reach people who don’t currently go to church, and you’re hoping this person might show up to your service … well,
put yourself in their shoes. If you’ve gone to church all your life, this will be difficult. But try to imagine: What does this person feel like coming to church if they haven’t been in a long time? What is he thinking if he got up early on a Sunday morning to come to check you out instead of doing what he normally does? What is he looking for? What does he see when he drives up, when he walks in, when he sits down? What does he hear? What does he smell? How does all of that impact him? What does it communicate to him about who you are? About what you care about? About what you really believe about what you say you believe?

I hope I can really start to put myself in others shoes. Not even new people in church, but just in everyday life! How much better would that make all of my relationships if I just did that...Just to make sure I try to see how the other person would feel before I act. It something so simple that seems like it would be easy to do...but not always. Sometimes, for me, it can be difficult to try and see where the other person is coming from or how they feel. However, I think if a more conscious effort is made it could improve so many relationships and help unchurched people see what we're really about.

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