Friday, December 14, 2007

Wisdom From Madea

I watched Madea Goes to Jail last night...I've seen it before but it never gets old :) I know it's just a movie, but Madea gives some great advice. I love the first part of the clip I posted..."Let folks go!" Some people aren't going to be in your life forever...and when they walk out...let 'em go. She proceeds to compare people to trees...I love that part. She then says how she never just throws people out of her life for no reason...but if you tell someone that something their doing is hurting you and they don't care to fix it...let 'em go. It all rings so true...but of course one of my very favorite parts (who am I kidding they all are :) ): "If it walk like a duck and quack like a duck, then guess what? ...Aflac!" Even though that wasn't on the clip I still love it.

Anyway- enjoy :)

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