Friday, November 16, 2007

Winter-Filled Friday

~ So...The Office is hilarious! I love the part when Michael is giving his deposition and they ask him: "So you were working under Jan..." Then he proceeds to answer the question with a "That's what she said!" Of course, then they have to go back and forth because it confuses everyone. And you had to know that the court reporter would mess up the delivery! :)

~ Oh man that show cracks me up. I am so sad because The Office is part of the TV writers strike so they will not be showing any knew one until it gets resolved! So, hopefully that will get resolved soon...The Office is a must! :)

~ I am excited about the weather today...I absolutely love cold weather. I would go to Colorado every winter if I could. I loved being was so beautiful. We had a view that overlooked the snow-capped mountains. I will have to post some pictures soon. One day we were there it was -8 degrees. Maybe that was a little too cold, but oh well, it was still breathtakingly beautiful!

~ Anyway...I am also excited about the holidays. I love Christmastime! It will be great to see all of our family next week. I am ready to put up my Christmas decorations now, but Matt says it's too early. I could leave them up all year to remind me of Christmas!

~ I need to go...I'm having lunch with a great friend today. I love spending time with friends that just get it and get you.

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Enjoy your Winter-Filled Friday!

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