Monday, November 12, 2007

Random Monday...

Yesterday was a great C3 Sunday! I really enjoyed the new series (and last series at our building) called Barbaric Grace. I must say...I also love the new shirts! The sermon was really encouraging...Barry gave a great summary of the it on his blog here. It was great to be reminded how barbaric Christ was in his love for us. It is so exciting to be close to moving to the theater. I think about Powerhouse and how we do that now...It will be so much more effective in the theater. How cool is it gonna be for children to tell their friends they go to church at the movies?! I am so excited about seeing what God has in store for C3...I can't even imagine how awesome worship and the main service are going to be!

Today was a crazy day...Matt and I went biking tonight. I now remember just exactly how out of shape I am! I was out of breath pretty fast and Matt was like "I don't feel tired at all." He gets in shape so quickly...I'm a little bitter :) It'll take me weeks!

God is teaching me so much lately! I know my last few posts have discussed that...I am so thankful for His patience with me and His grace. During those times when you have to fully rely on God He teaches so much and it is a constant reminder that His love is unconditional. I'm also thankful for all that God uses C3 for...I learn things all the time through C3...even through Powerhouse sometimes. It is amazing what watching and listening to kids can teach you. I love watching their kindness for one another as they help each other during small group time and I love seeing their childlike faith.

Then we had Crave at the movies last night....we went to see Fred Claus. It was surprisingly funny and it was fun to be able to hangout with the students for a while. They are so awesome and a few of them brought some of their friends. This Sunday at Crave will be a great one...I am excited for it! It was a great weekend.

Time for me to cook dinner...even though I feel like I can't feel my legs! :)

Happy Monday!

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