Thursday, August 23, 2007

Let Go...

It has been a long, but great week. Of course the school made it an extra long week! Having class at 7:30am can really stretch out your day!

I say it has still been a great week because I love seeing God work in lives! I constantly get to see that happen at C3, but this week I also saw it in my own life. God has really shown me this week how He can renergize us. He is also constantly showing me how I don't need to worry and rely on Him. This is sometimes so hard for me. I tend to want to take problems into my own hands and I sometimes have this- I don't want to bother God with my small problems- mentality! All the while, I know what I need to do. Just let go of my problems or worries and give them to God. He can handle them so much better than me!

I am so grateful for being able to just give our worries to Him! He has also been teaching me more and more how important it is to let go of past hurts. I find myself remembering the hurt I have experienced by people...It especially comes up when I see them in random places. Most of the time I can let it go, but there are certain times, when it just gets to me. But He is really teaching me that it is only hurting me by remembering those things, and letting them get to me. The more I remember and relive it, the more it begins to control me. I know I will not mentally forget what they have done, but I can forgive and move on. Of course, easier said than done! I will, however, continue to forgive as I relive!

I have also learned a lot recently from other's blogs! I think blogging is such an awesome thing! We all have more to learn and something that we can teach others. Blogging is a great way to share those things we learn with others and hopefully encourage each other!

Thanks to all who have been an encouragement to me! :)


Anonymous said...

You have always been very encouraging with me. Thank you for that. I love you with all my heart.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your honesty. This is something I struggle with as well. I'm so grateful God gives me the strenth to forgive as I relive otherwise I'd be a bitter old hag! Love ya girl!

Monica Hunt said...

You're welcome! :) The strength God gives us is so awesome and always overcomes the hurt! Love ya, too! :) Thanks for being an encouragement!