Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

* I hope everyone has had a great 2007! I am excited and looking forward to all that 2008 has in store for it. I know that it will be great and I can't wait to see what God does.

* Finding time to blog lately has been tough but I think a break from technology can be a good thing...It can be hard to stay away- but it's good :) I'm sure I'll be able to work in more blogs as they holiday season winds down...

* We're excited because our 2nd niece will be born soon...any day now possibly! We love being an Uncle and Aunt!

* My mom's 50th birthday is today. I am thankful for her...she definitely doesn't look or act 50! She's got the heart of a 20 year old!

* We will be finishing up school this semester (graduating in May) and I can't wait. I know I said in previous blogs that I would be done in December, but I made a decision to drag it out one more semester. It was too much for me to take a full load of classes while working part time. So I decided to split it up between last semester and this one so I will be done in May!!

* There are a lot of things I want to do this year...I don't want to call them resolutions because anytime I say that I never stay with them past January! Finishing school is a huge one though!

* I can't wait to see what God does in 2008 through C3. I know that it will be a great year and what a great way to start it off with our first meeting in the theaters this Sunday. Our kick-off on January 20th is going to rock!!!

Anyway- I am excited and optimistic about 2008 and all that it will hold!

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