Friday, August 31, 2007

Friday Night Thoughts...

Matt and I came to Jacksonville today for my 11 year old sister's birthday party! We had a blast, but I am tired and it's late so here are my random thoughts from today:

* Kids are so awesome and being around them reminds me that I should have more of a child-like faith.

* My back is still hurting...I have no clue what I did to it, but back pain really stinks!

* Matt is doing such a great job taking care of me...since my back disables me!

* Honesty is very important to me...I can't stand lies, they only hurt people!

* God has really been teaching me who I can trust...

* Having people in your life that you can really and truly trust is priceless.

* Princess had a blast tonight with all the girls! She will sleep good tonight!

* I am such a home person, I am already missing my bed! (and my TiVo!)

* We finally took our car to the shop today....of course they aren't sure what's wrong with it!

* I am so excited for the future of C3...The theaters are going to rock!

* I have really been encouraged by others' blogs lately...Blogging is such a great tool to teach and encourage those around you!!

* This Sunday will be my first as the director in Powerhouse...I am so excited!

Okay- I need to go...Matt and I are going to watch a Madea movie!! She always makes me laugh...Here's why!

Laugh Away!

Funny Friday!

The Office - "Andy Annoyance"
Okay I know I have posted two other Office videos and I was going to look for something else this time, but this was too funny to pass up! Oh my...I love this show! =) I think I am officially an Office addict! =)

Laugh Away!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Who's Up for a Challenge?

I have been challenged in many areas of my life lately, and I have started to realize that I enjoy being challenged. No matter what area of life it seems to be something that has grown on me. Whether it is at work, in my family life, or in my faith.

I have definitely have been challenged at work. I have been trying to figure out a computer program (and I am by no means a computer wiz!)...the ins and outs of it and how to use it for various ministries. I found myself starting to get frustrated, thinking this must be impossible! When I did eventually figure it was extremely rewarding! To be honest, I think I secretly like having to work to figure things out...No clue why, I just do! =) I am also moving to Power House this Sunday, instead of being in First Look. I am excited about the move. Although, I will miss my First Look teachers and kids, I am looking forward to getting to know more teachers and more kids! It will be a challenge, but again, one that I know will be very rewarding.

I also am challenged in my faith. I am challenged by those around me who encourage me to be the person God wants me to be. I am challenged when I find myself worrying about things that, I need to remember, God has control of. I am challenged by my husband who is always encouraging me and reminding me of the best way to handle situations, and I am challenged by myself at times...I know I should not have the fears I have, and I know that I should not let the insecurities I have get the best of me.

The great thing about knowing what fears and insecurities I have is that I have a God who is always there for me and I can give all my worries and fears to Him! I also have a husband who will encourage me and remind me that I am not perfect...and that's okay!

Thanks to all who have challenged and encouraged me lately!

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."

1 Thessalonians 5:11


It has been a crazy day and I can't yet go to sleep...So I figured I would blog. It's really late so it won't be long.

I just want to say that I am so thankful for a God who loves us through anything! I think it is amazing that no matter what we do He will never let go of us!

I have to say that I am also thankful for the way God provides...He is so faithful if we just are patient and have faith in Him. It is hard for me to be patient at times! I have a tendency to try and take control of problems myself and think I can solve everything. I have recently learned that I can not do all things by myself, but only in Christ is that possible. It is something that God has been teaching me for a while and I am so thankful for that. I am thankful to be able to learn lessons from our God who loves us unconditionally. That word is so amazing and to think that our God can love us in that way, in spite of the mistakes we make, is awesome!

God blesses is so many ways and I am so thankful for His love for us! I am also thankful for my wonderful husband! He is the best and helps me so much and in so many ways. He is always so patient with me and also unconditionally loving! God has blessed me so much through him...I love him!

I am just so grateful for unconditional love. What an amazing thing!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Monday Madness!

Today was a 'Monday'...Here are my random thoughts from today:

* I wanted to sleep all day today...I am not feeling well! I think there is something going around.

* Not feeling well makes Monday's even more...'Monday!'

* I am trying to keep myself from getting sick so Matt keeps making me drink Airborne...That stuff tastes nasty!

* I am a baby when it comes to medicine! =)

* Working at C3 actually makes Monday's not so bad! It is encouraging to see the lives that were changed on Sunday and that makes Monday's great!

* I am grateful for my husband who has taken care of me since I started to feel sick...He says I need to rest. =)

* I am also thankful for our wonderful friends! It is great to have people you can always count on!

* I am so excited...Next Tuesday The Office season 3 comes out on DVD! I am going to have to re-watch it before the season premier!

* Our puppy is crazy and she thinks it is her job to protect us...She only weighs 17 pounds! She's a little ball of energy though!

* I am remembering that I need to go to bed early...I have class at 7:30am tomorrow! Oh it December yet?!

* I am getting more and more excited about C3's move to the theater!

Okay, I think that was as random as you get! =) I am going to go rest up some more!

Hope your Monday was great!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

What a Day!

Today was an absolutely amazing Sunday! The service was almost a reflection of a year ago, when C3 launched as a new church. The Pastors all answered the questions: Would you take it back? And What are you most excited about? They got me even more excited about the future of C3 than I already was! They all have so much passion for the vision of C3. I am grateful and proud to be able to say I am a member of a church where our Pastors have so much integrity and drive for the vision God has placed for us!

As I look back on the past year I know I have grown and learned so much about church and the way it should be done. I have so much of a deep appreciation for all the staff does to reach the lost, and for all of the people who invest in C3 and make it the welcoming, free to be yourself, place that it is!

We also had our Crave back to school kick-off tonight! It was awesome. I am excited about the fall with Crave and how God is going to use the new series Travis is starting in a couple weeks. Being a part of student ministry is such a privilege for me! I never had people to invest in me the way our leaders do in these students, and it is so great to see the them grow and become excited about church!

Today was just an awesome day! All I can say is...I love C3!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

I love my husband, my friends, and...Fridays!

Fridays are great days! I get to sleep in, spend most of the day with Matt, and hangout with great friends in the evening! =) What could be better?!

Tonight got me thinking how grateful I am for the people God has placed in my life! From my husband, to our friends, I am so blessed! It is amazing how relationships can be formed, and how you can see God's hand in it. I think about how I met Matt...and how there were so many people working at that Target, but somehow we met each other. God's hand in our meeting was so evident! (Yes, Matt and I met by working at Target! =) ) I am so thankful for Matt...He is an amazing husband and has loved me and will love me no matter what!

This is also so evident in my friendships! I would not have met some of my best friends if it wasn't for meeting others first. God has shown how He has such a purpose for bringing certain people into your life, even if some of them are only in it for a short amount of time. You may, out of those short friendships, meet friends that you will have forever...your "roots."

For those of you who haven't seen Madea Goes to Jail, she makes an analogy about friends and compares them to trees. I wrote a blog about this on facebook a while back...Here it is.

Madea talked about friendships and the people that will come in and out of our lives, she used the analogy of a tree...Some she referred to as leaves: They will go back and forth and you never know when you can rely on them and when you cannot...they eventually will fall off after a season and no longer be by your side. Then you have branches: They (in my own opinion) use you for support, but don't hold their own weight. They take and take but rarely do they give, and they fall and break easily.
Then you have the Roots: You only need two or three or maybe even four, but they won't go anywhere. Branches may break, leaves will fall and you have many of each, but the roots are needed for the tree to have life. The roots are still there, even when you cut the tree down...The roots are your lifetime friends.

I have a couple friends that are my "roots" and I don't know where I would be without them. They have helped Matt and me through times when I feel like (if I was tree) someone was literally cutting me down. My "lifetime" friends who will still be there when the seasons change...when the going gets tough...and when it isn't so easy to be a friend. As Madea would say...if you can find two or even three of these count yourself blessed. Matt and I thank God for these people in our lives because even though they help us through the tough times they also are the people we have fun with, LAUGH with, and just share life with. I wish that everyone could have as great of friends that we have...those of you who do, know it...and those of you who don't...are looking for it...All I can think to do is thank God and thank them for their lifetime frienship...and of their "roots."

So I thank God for who He brings in and out of our lives because you never know His purpose! I am just so grateful for the people I have in my life, they are amazing!

I love you guys!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Let Go...

It has been a long, but great week. Of course the school made it an extra long week! Having class at 7:30am can really stretch out your day!

I say it has still been a great week because I love seeing God work in lives! I constantly get to see that happen at C3, but this week I also saw it in my own life. God has really shown me this week how He can renergize us. He is also constantly showing me how I don't need to worry and rely on Him. This is sometimes so hard for me. I tend to want to take problems into my own hands and I sometimes have this- I don't want to bother God with my small problems- mentality! All the while, I know what I need to do. Just let go of my problems or worries and give them to God. He can handle them so much better than me!

I am so grateful for being able to just give our worries to Him! He has also been teaching me more and more how important it is to let go of past hurts. I find myself remembering the hurt I have experienced by people...It especially comes up when I see them in random places. Most of the time I can let it go, but there are certain times, when it just gets to me. But He is really teaching me that it is only hurting me by remembering those things, and letting them get to me. The more I remember and relive it, the more it begins to control me. I know I will not mentally forget what they have done, but I can forgive and move on. Of course, easier said than done! I will, however, continue to forgive as I relive!

I have also learned a lot recently from other's blogs! I think blogging is such an awesome thing! We all have more to learn and something that we can teach others. Blogging is a great way to share those things we learn with others and hopefully encourage each other!

Thanks to all who have been an encouragement to me! :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Jim Being Dwight

I will try to, every so often, post some things to make you laugh! :) I know I already posted a video of The Office, but the show is too funny...I had to share this one, also!

Laugh Away!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

C3 is for me : )

As I sit in class...Yep I am in class while I am writing this blog...I am reflecting on C3 and the way we do church. It is so wonderful to be able to worship at a place that is so different! A place that doesn't just follow tradition, but instead follows God's word. I am also grateful for all the church does to reach the lost! How we do church and why we do it that way means so much to me because so much of my family needs to meet Christ. I feel totally comfortable inviting my family and unchurched friends to C3. I know they won't be judged, I know they won't have to dress a certain way, and I know that C3 will just accept them as they are.

It kills me to see people trying to stop C3 from what they are doing, or trying to tear them down for being different, or not following a tradition. I can only hope and pray that the very first time I can get my family into church it is at a place like C3. I would be so upset if the first time they walked into a church they got judged, or if they were immediately surrounded by gossip and slander. I can only imagine, what if they got told not to come back because of the way they dressed?? How would I get them back into church again?

People have so many comments about C3 and the way we do church, no matter what they say, God is moving. It is incredible to see how many people have come to C3 that would never go to any other church. I have heard stories of people never knowing church could be this way. Multiple people have said they didn't know their children could have their own church and that it could be so exciting! What an awesome thing, God is so good!! :) I am so thankful for our God and a church that serves Him with all they have!

C3 Rocks!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Yep, It's Monday!

It is most definitely a Monday...I can feel it! :) Here are my random thoughts for today so far...

* Most Monday's aren't too bad...just very busy!

* I really...I mean really do not want to go back to school today.

* I am trying to remind myself that this is my last semester.

* Happy Birthday to Angie! I hope you have a great one...You are such an amazing person and such a great example! Thanks for all that you do!! :) Love you!

* What makes today even more "Monday" is that Matt's car won't start! I have no clue why, he says he can fix it...I'm hoping he's right!

* I am starting to feel a cold coming on...maybe I should stay home from school today :)

* Yesterday was a really great Sunday. The Children's Ministry meeting went great last night!
We have a great group of volunteers!

* I am excited for Crave to start back up next Sunday!

* God is so amazing and is doing amazing things! Even when you are concerned about things or how you will get through situations, He always finds a way to comfort and He reminds you to trust Him.

* This reminds of one of my favorite verses: Proverbs 3:5-6

Okay, I really should go get ready for school...Have I mentioned that I don't want to go back to school today! :)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Awesome Sunday!

Today was another great Sunday! Although I didn't sit in the service this Sunday it is such a privilege to be able to serve in the children's ministry. I am constantly reminded of how God provides everything we need. Just when I think we won't have enough teachers to watch all the kids, God provides people with servant hearts who come to help where they are needed.

I am so thankful for the youth at C3! They are awesome! We have so many students who are always willing to help out wherever it is needed. Not only do those students bring themselves, they are continuously bringing their friends to help out, also. At our last Crave we had the students sign up if they wanted to volunteer in Children's Ministry...almost ALL the kids signed up! They rock!

It's not just the students though- We have so many parents who step up and help out when it is needed! I had two parents say to me just this morning, Just stick us wherever there is the greatest need- that is where we will go. What an amazing attitude!

I need to not forget to say how thankful I am for the volunteers we already have. They always show so much love to the kids and families at C3. It is so awesome to see a child not want to leave the class because they are having SO much fun! Even better is when I see them walking out the doors already asking mom and dad if they will be able to come back next Sunday. You can truly see how God is using these volunteers to reach out to kids and their families!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Great Friends!

I am so thankful for the friends Matt and I have...It is so refreshing to be able to know there are people that will be there for you no matter what! Sometimes with all the negativity around and the people who feel the need to lie and spread rumors, it can get so discouraging. But right when you get down or discouraged about things there is nothing better than a fun night with your best friends! I love you guys and Kayleigh, I am glad you are home! =)
On top of being able to hangout with great friends, I know tomorrow is going to be an awesome Sunday! I am excited to see all the new families that will visit C3 and how God will work in lives! I know it will be amazing!
I love C3!

The Office - The Injury

This is one of my favorite shows, and this is one of the many reasons why!

Laugh Away!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


I recently wrote a blog on my myspace about where we keep our focus...I want to share with you all on here also because I have been thinking a lot lately about my focus and where I am keeping it. Here it is...

I have to say, I don't quite understand people who don't share all the facts. People whose blogs consist of half-truths. Why don't they tell people the whole story...if you have nothing to hide then that should be no problem. I don't know why I let myself read some people's blogs, I know it is going to do nothing but discourage me.

I get upset because people are actually listening to these blogs made up of lies. If only they knew...

If only they knew the sacrifices our Pastor and leadership team have made! If only they knew the things that our Pastor could have said that would have made it easier on him, but he didn't because he has integrity! If only they knew the truth about the people they are listening to.

It's okay though. What I constantly have to remind myself is that the lies are not what I should be focusing on. I try to always focus on the lives that I get to see changed. The new children that I see walk in the doors of C3 every Sunday. I get to see (for those of you who don't know I work in children's ministry :) ) kids telling their parents they can't wait to come back to church, as they walk out the doors. That is what I focus on. I also focus on the new people that I see all the time. I love that I don't know everyone at our church because new people are constantly coming! I also love hearing how interested people are in our upcoming move to the theater!! Why shouldn't they be excited...I am excited!! :)

Those are the things I will do my best to focus on. I will do my best to always be forgiving of the lies people have to say about C3 and our Pastor and staff. I will not focus on those things or people because it will only hold me back from doing what God has in mind for me!

Fight for love!

Random thoughts for the day...

I don't think I can put my thoughts together enough for something to make sense right now so here are my random thoughts...

* Today has been a busy day...

* I love having a job where I get to see lives changed on a daily basis...What a privilege!

* I REALLY love being able to work with students, they are awesome and Wet N' Wild was a blast!

* This past Sunday was the first time I got to hear Riverdale, they are great! I hope they come back and visit soon, our students LOVE them!

* I am better at poker than I originally thought. :)

* We have really great friends...

* Our puppy is crazy...well, more like spoiled...I think that is our fault though!

* I am anxiously waiting for The Office to come back on TV! I need to know if Jim and Pam will be together!

* I also am waiting for football to come back on...This is what my husband has done to me! :)

* I love my husband :)

I think that is it for now. I am getting sleepy and have a long day at work tomorrow...Lots to do!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Laugh Often, Love Always...

I titled my blog this because I think it is so important to laugh very often and most definitely important to LOVE always! I am somewhat new to the blogging world, but I love to write so it should be a great outlet for me! I have been blogging on my 'myspace' but Matt really thought this would be good for here I am! I will hopefully be posting a lot...although with starting my LAST semester at UCF next week, life could start to get pretty hectic! Yes, I did say LAST semester! Finally! Anyway, I need to get some stuff done around the house...I will blog again soon!